For example The Hinterlands starts with 4 lvl and ends with 12 lvl so if you feel its too hard just adventure somewhere else and come back later.
Locations got various difficulty level.
Targeting with Area Effect Spells like Blizzard is good for lighting dark interiors.
Use Ocularums ASAP to uncover Shard locations.
Setup Inquisitions Camps ASAP to acquire fast travel to visited locations.
To unlock complex doors locks you have to rise "Deft Hands, Fine Tools" Inquisition Perk.
You need at last one Warrior in your team to Bash things and Walls.
You need at last one Rogue in your team all the time to open closed doors.
Use "Search" button ("V" on PC) very often, It shows the hidden secrets, resources and loot.
Starting Tips & Hints for beginning of Dragon Age: Inquisition Dragon Age: Inquisition its Single Player (with Multiplayer Option) Role-Playing Video Game released on November 18th 2014, for PC Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3 and PS4.